May 28, 2013


Oh technology....a love hate relationship for sure.  My energy combined with electromagnetic devices is not a good mix at the best of times.  Add Googles ever changing platforms, take overs and sharing policies adds another dynamic to the soup.  I haven't been able to find my blog for over 4 months even though I have it book marked, written down and posted in several spots.  Once I found it, I wasn't able to log on because of some change in relationship between Google and Yahoo.  It's taken me another month to figure out how to get into my own blog.

So...sorry for not keeping you up-to-date.

You may be surprised to hear that I'm back in Canada.  To be honest I'm still a little surprised myself even though I semi consciously knew, without knowing how or why I knew this, that I would be gone from Toronto for 2 years.  It's hard to believe that that amount of time has already gone by.  Well not exactly.  I left in August on my birthday so I'm shy a few months.  I'm realizing that timing and intuition isn't an exact science and the Universe has it's own sense of time that in no way relates to the conventional time constructs that man has created.  We may be given a sense of a length of time, but it's all relative to cosmic events.

Even though I would prefer to be out in the world somewhere, I feel that it's important for me to be back home at this time.  The major reason is that an intense 10 year cycle of my life is winding down and coming to a close.  It is the past 10 years that I am in the process of compiling into a book.  I don't what to say to much about it here as I'm in the process of writing it.

In short, I was 30 when I began a profound inner journey with my Teacher and Friend Brent.  Little did I know when I met him that I bought a decade round-trip ticket into the cosmic consciousness of my soul.  It's been the biggest excavation, exploration, and expansion project ever. There were certainly moments, many moments, when I thought it was a one way ride to Hell with no return.  The shit I've been through and have seen would make most people spontaneously combust in a fury of flames.  Which in essence is this spiritual process accept that one does rise from the ashes if the will to do so is there.

When St. John of the Cross coined the term "Dark Night of the Soul" he should have called it the Dark Decade". But I guess that by saying "night" people would be more likely to step into the dark thinking it's for only a short while. However these people, myself included, have no idea, that one night in cosmic terms can mean anything from a millisecond to a millennium. The Universe has an agenda of it's  own whether we choose to believe it or not.  And in the grand scheme of our soul's evolution, 10 years is but a single petal in the a lotus flower of life.

Being back in Canada feels like I've pulled back into the train station that I left from renewed and rejuvenated and ready to fully engage in life with a sense of purpose that has been lacking for most of my life.  When I look back on the last 10 years, I'm blown away by how the Universe spins, how it gives us not what we want be exactly what we need. How each moment in life is an opportunity to step up and out of our shells to really experience life in all it's fullness through all of our senses with acceptance.  How each moment in its own right, no matter how difficult and painful it may be is beautiful.  How the past, present and future all exist at the same time and is held together by Love. How in our youth, we are given the puzzles pieces of our life that we are meant to put together as adults in order to see the bigger picture of what this current incarnation of our soul is about.

As we put the pieces together our path is revealed to us on a need to know basess. Knowing that at any given moment we have a choice to continue working on the puzzle or put the pieces back in the box.  I can honestly say I've put the puzzle away at times for many reasons.  But I've always come back to it because really...what else is there to do in this life? My puzzle certainly isn't finished yet.  I'm still working on it. The difference now is I feel like I'm co-creating and playing with it instead of fearing it.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with blog at the moment.  I am planning on keeping it but instead of continuing writing my journey, I may use it to write articles on things that move me or feel passionate about.  I will also update you from time to time as to my whereabouts and check in from time to time.

I appreciate all of those who have taken the time to follow my journey.  I am so grateful for all of your support and love.

Until next time....

Love and Blessings