September 13, 2011


Welcome to Love's Wandering Heart Fire!  Living life from the fiery passion of the heart.

First off this is going to be a blog in progress.  Expect changes to the layout as I learn what works best with what I'm attempting to do.  What am I doing...??? I'm attempting to both write and post my photograpy.  Some posts will just be images, some just words or both (if this space allows for it).  I've always wanted to tell stories about life through the art of imagery and words.  This isn't what I imagined but it will be a start.

Secondly, this is a blog of my travels in both outer and inner worlds.  My inner consciousness directs my outer experiences so it is hard to separate the two as there really is no separation anyway.  This will not be just a list of places and names as I travel the world, but something more integral.

I hope you will join and interact with me on my journey!!!   I look forward to sharing my adventures with you all!!



  1. Hi Jen, let the blogging begin....

    Safe journeys,

  2. Love your Blog.....I will check it daily!!! Weather is still wonderful here for September.........just know you are going to enjoy your journey's, Jen as you are so ready for this!! Much love to you always Bryan and Susie
