September 29, 2011

Wander's Unite

In the last 3 weeks of traveling and spending time at retreat centres, almost everyone I’ve talked to has left there lives behind and took to the road in seek of…something.  I’m sure that this phenomena isn’t new and I am aware that people have been wandering around the globe for centuries.  However, what I think is different about this day and age of traveling is there is a need, a real urgent need to find different ways of living.  It seems to be no longer about just traveling and seeing different places.

These aren’t left over hippies looking to get away from “the Man”.  These are people, young and old who are aware of shifts in not only their own consciousness but, something much deeper, other forces driving a good portion of us to find, in a way, spiritual refuge.  There are a number of people waking up to the fact that the way that most societies are completely dysfunctional and not sustainable and we can't go on living the way we do. More and more people are, instead of taking up activism to disperse their frustrations, are turning inward and battling their own daemons, walking the walk instead of talking the talk.  And because there are very few safe places where one can do personal work , many are hitting the road seeking out spiritual safe havens.  When I look at what’s going on, it’s almost like animals fleeing a burning forest, having to rebuild by starting at the beginning.

These retreat centres are popping up all over the place.  There is a great need for these types of places. These retreats are not just offering a place just to “be” and explore the inner realms, but places where learning to work together for right-livelihood is also key.  Getting back to the basics of growing all your own food, saving seeds, learning about foods and herbs natural properties and learning to cook and prepare them properly, helping build shelters, homes and healing spaces, learning about the land and it’s cycles, helping and building relationships with neighbors and strangers…The centres are really about what it means to be human. 

Money is hardly exchanged.  People work for their food and shelter or they offer their services in exchange for services they need.  Everyone works together for the common good.  However, it isn’t as utopian as it sounds.  These places survive by trial and error.  Some work really well and some don’t.  People’s egos and shadows show up and can corrupt the whole situation.  When most people are conditioned to live in a particular way…say, go to school, get a stable secure job, earn money to buy the material things you “think” you need such as a house a car and stuff to fill them with…it’s hard to let go and live a different lifestyle that doesn’t require ownership of much.  Not to say that the mentioned lifestyle is wrong, or nobody should live that way.  It’s perfectly fine.  But if you do want to step out of that, the old ways die hard.

What is unique about most of these particular places is they try to work all that stuff out.  They provide space to unpack all of the conditioned belief systems and old behavioral patterns that prevent most of us from truly living.  And of course this isn’t as easy as it sounds because we are all in different places in our own evolution.  What is interesting is the number of people who are finding an urgency to “get out of the system” while they can and star living more meaningful lives.

There are many of us just wandering around seeking to live differently and also wanting to make a positive impact on society.  Perhaps if more and more people started to walk away from “Big Brother’s” control, the powers that be would have to start making changes themselves.  All I know is that something has to be done.  Something has to change.  The only thing I know how to do is change myself first.  I’m happy that I have many traveling companions who are on the same journey as I am.  I’m hoping that even when we separate, we will still stay in touch, widening the webs of light.  Encouraging and supporting each other, knowing that what we are doing isn’t futile or a waste of time.  Times are changing quite quickly and I think that the key to our survival is to live more authentically, being connected through community by being in real contact, in real relationships, without relying on technology (yes I see the irony here).

I have no idea where any of this is going. I felt a sense of urgency before I started traveling.  Seeing how many people are on the road searching for spiritual refuge, grounds my feelings in reality.  It’s nice to unite with like hearted/minded souls though…wherever it is that we are going both as individuals but as a collective force. What kinda blows me away is, I haven't even left my country yet!! 

September 24, 2011

Building a Sustainable Community

 Life at Johnson's Landing Retreat Centre
Deep Discussions

Even the deer like it here
Visitors from next door

The Lodge

Community effort
Kitchen Crew


The back deck

The view

Sleeping quarters

The Group Room

The Garden


The Meditation Room

The Lodge

The Harvester

Lodge View from back deck (Kootenay Lake)

Organic Garlic

Eco Dome

Building Community

Dome Roof

Tool of Choice

Equinox Salad

September 19, 2011


Not only did I start my journey off in a rush I started this blog in a rush as well.  As I’ve been traveling throughout BC, I noticed that I was still functioning in high gear.  Not so much in mind…one thing about traveling to places you’ve never been to is that it forces you to be really present.  Especially when traveling alone.  I think this is why time seems to slow when your in unfamiliar territory. Your mind doesn’t have a chance to wander as much. As a matter of fact it was this very phenomena that turned my attention to how I was reacting to my sabbatical.

I wasn’t taking my time.  I wasn’t stopping at things I found interesting.  I just wanted to go go go.  Part of that is I absolutely love to drive.  I’ve never owned a car before (thanks to Dad I now do) and the freedom that comes with it is absolutely exhilarating.  The very fact that I can drive a 100 kms in an hour hurtling down a paved/sometimes gravel road in a hunk of metal is a bloody miracle!! I can go anywhere, stop any time, leave at any time…WOW! So what do I do…I take on the characteristics of old family patterns.  Meaning…”Let’s just get there and THEN relax.”  Right…how about just relax.
Learning to drive mindfully is one of my new practices.  Not just the function of driving itself, but paying attention to those intuitions of exploration and allowing for spontaneity.

For the first 3 nights I felt rushed.  It’s been a very busy, intense spring.  Packing up and leaving Toronto, Dad suddenly passing away, having to go back to Toronto, then to Grand Forks where Dad lived, back to Ontario for my internship in the Haliburton Forest, finding and losing love, back to Toronto for a brief visit, finally signing my severance package with U of T, finding God, after 38 years in Toronto leaving it for...I don’t like to say forever cause you never know…but certainly for a great length of time…then back to Grand Forks to pack up Dad’s place, then....Deep breath…..??????  OK release.  Stop. Ground.  OK.  Start to move slowly and mindfully.

A while back I decided I was going to explore the different retreat centres of BC.  If and when I come back from traveling I wanted a place to come back to where I can serve in community.  I will not go back to a life of separation, where I’m stuck in my own space, working for a system that doesn’t work, fueling the corporate fires of greed, where love and relationships come in dead last and money, desire and status take precedence.

I want to live in a community where supporting one another and sharing resources is the fundamental base for living.  Where people work and live together forming healthy relationships in honesty and awareness to promote the good, true and beautiful in coexistence with the land and not raping it.  Where the main focus is the exploration of the heart/soul and mind to promote conscious awareness and evolutionary growth.  Yes these places do exist and Quantum Leaps Lodge is one of them.  This was certainly spontaneous as it wasn’t initially on my list but certainly on my retreat radar.  Stepping onto the property sent me into instant Samadhi.

Quantum Leaps Lodge, makes the most sweetest, heart-warming, fairytale landscape seem like a war-zone.  The shear power and beauty of the place dropped me to my knees in utter surrender and gratitude.  I stayed in the sacred space of the River Room where from every angle you are surrounded and held gracefully by the mountains.  Right outside the door is the Blaeberry river, that sings it sweet song day and night. The waters of it a healing elixir of renewing energy and love. Nirvana. 

View from the River Room

You have no choice but to slow down on this land.  It seems to do it for you.  Time does not exist there.  Everything is in perfect rhythm.  The deep sense of Emptiness disappears and as the sign at the entrance says…” I AM THAT I AM”.  Not two…not one…complete Unity.

Gateway to Quantum Leaps Lodge

I once again began breathing deeply, getting back into my regular sitting practice and eating habits, decompressing all that has transpired and releasing it to the River and letting it wash everything away.  In order to slow my travel speed down I felt called to go horseback riding.  Bear Corner Bed and Bale was literally right around the corner.  Giddy Up!  My guide took me and the owner of Quantum Leaps on a journey through the woods, down and through the river and back up the valley to the ranch. This is the only way to travel.  I would love to trade the Sonata in for a horse.  Unspeakable beauty and companionship.  I cried in gratitude and reverence the entire time.   This without a doubt brought me back to all my senses and grounded me in the most profound way.  Reconnecting to my Self and the Land. Ultimate Freedom! 

While at QL I was given the message that I am an ambassador, a weaver of webs.  A message I’m quite familiar with now.  Learning to continuously keep an open heart/mind, care for and respect each person I meet and place I go to, and then let it all go, is also my new sadhana.  One that I greatly accept and honour.  

Back on the road today feeling like a brand new person, my entire body breathing in unison with the ebb and flow of Life.  Today’s drive should have taken 5 hours.  I took 8. Stopping to look, listen, smell and breathe in all that Is.  Now that my camera batter is charged again, photos will be back on that list too.
I am continuing my retreat centre tour of the west and will be spending a week or so in Johnsons Landing Retreat Centre.  They are friends with Quantum Leap and looking for community members.  I enter this new place with a stilled and open heart and mind.  Who knows one day I may land here…

More photos of Quantum Leap..

The Garden and Chickens

Contemplation bench

River Room and Sweat Lodge

Self Portrait

River Spirit

Sacred Labyrinth

Prayer Flags

Teepee Accomodation

Young Kokanee Salmon

September 15, 2011

Interior BC

Logs on Okanagan Lake
Okanagan Lake from the snakey west road heading to Kamloops

MacDonald Lake in Lac Du Bois Provincal Park near Kamloops

Morning Moon over the Grasslands - Lac Du Bois Provincial Park

The Grasslands - Lac Du Bois Provincial Park

Isobel Lake's Greeter...Cheaper than Walmarts ;-)

Running Down A Dream

After a difficult month sorting through Dad's things, my trip has finally begun.  As I got into the car to leave Kelowna I turned on the radio and just as I did Tom Petty’s Running Down a Dream started.  How fitting as I feel that’s exactly how I feel. Because I have so much time and space on my hands, I feel overwhelmed with choices.  I wasn’t sure what I was doing as I had planned on staying at a few retreat centres that hadn’t got back to me until this morning.  So, as Tom sang “Waiting on a mystery going wherever it leads.”….I thought...Perfect!  I'll follow the mystery.

The one thing I absolutely hate about traveling alone, particularly in BC, is having to watch the road.  Especially when on a two lane road hovering over the Okanagan and on a road that would bring tears to any motorcyclist enthusiast’s eyes.  Of course when I stop every five hundred meters to take photo’s I really can’t get into to much trouble.

My first camping spot was the the Grasslands of Kamloops in an unorganized provincial park called Lac Du Bois.  Unorganized means you a search for the spots not marked out on any map in 8,000 acres of land.  I ended up at the most north end of the park on Isobel Lake with no one insight for 66 Kms. 
After crossing over many cattle grates and wondering why they were there, I was able to find a lovely spot by the lake.  I was relaxed, excited and totally isolated from society.  Set up camp, made dinner, stared into the lake for hours feeling extraordinarily blessed for my circumstances, then decided to go to bed as I was completely wiped out. 

As I lay there owls and wolves serenaded me to sleep, the moonlight kissing my tent. I felt blissfully content.  I became aware how far I’ve come in terms of dealing with fear.  At first I was a little apprehensive camping so far out alone.  I love nature and have quite a bit of experience camping, but not completely on my own and I’m not a naturalist.  This was new territory and although I felt totally relaxed in my body, my mind started to wander.  Breath.  OK much better. 

Then I suddenly awoke to a slight growling noise.  I sat up bolt right and listened quietly.  I could hear some rustling around but it seemed to far away from the original sound. Do cows growl? Perhaps is was leaving whatever it was.  Now my mind is starting to kick in.  I’m alone, no cell phone signal, no one really knows where I am, I don’t have a knife or gun (must purchase machete), I haven’t checked the latest weather, what if it rains and the very loose grave road wash out…..Breath.

I fell back asleep thinking about friends and one in particular wishing he was there.  THERE IT IS AGAIN!!! I bolted up again and listened. Nothing.  I grabbed my keys and pushed the electronic unlock getting ready to dash the  10 meters to the car.  I peeked outside and the trees shadows started to play games in the moonlight.  That’s it. Better safe than sorry.  I grabbed my sleeping bag and pillow and darted to the car.  I opened the window just a crack, laid down in the back and listened.  I could hear the night’s chorus as the creatures danced around, but nothing seemed to be to near.  I feel back asleep. 
FUCK THERE IT IS AGAIN AND A LITTLE LOUDER!!  I shot up, checking that the doors where locked incase this animal had opposable thumbs, panicking…Then I realized it did. I started to laugh hard.  The said creature was me.  I was waking myself up snoring. I wonder why I’m single.  Back out of the car and into the tent after a quick pee from laughing so hard.  Time to check myself into a sleep clinic. 

When I awoke after a deep dreamless sleep at 6 am, I found out that I indeed I wasn’t alone.  This is what I saw when I stuck my head out of my tent. 

Cool…I have fresh milk for coffee.

September 13, 2011


Welcome to Love's Wandering Heart Fire!  Living life from the fiery passion of the heart.

First off this is going to be a blog in progress.  Expect changes to the layout as I learn what works best with what I'm attempting to do.  What am I doing...??? I'm attempting to both write and post my photograpy.  Some posts will just be images, some just words or both (if this space allows for it).  I've always wanted to tell stories about life through the art of imagery and words.  This isn't what I imagined but it will be a start.

Secondly, this is a blog of my travels in both outer and inner worlds.  My inner consciousness directs my outer experiences so it is hard to separate the two as there really is no separation anyway.  This will not be just a list of places and names as I travel the world, but something more integral.

I hope you will join and interact with me on my journey!!!   I look forward to sharing my adventures with you all!!
